Ihr-Chiropraktor Ihr-Chiropraktor

At IHR-CHIROPRAkTOR, we focus on the holistic examination of your body. Whether it's previous accidents, surgeries, illnesses, or daily life stress – we consider everything to get a comprehensive understanding of your health condition

For optimal treatment, please fill out the treatment form before your appointment, allowing our chiropractors to prepare for your session.

Interview and examination:

  • Based on your completed medical history form IHR-CHIROPRAKTOR will initially discuss your complaints, including inquiries about previous accidents, surgeries, and illnesses. This is to obtain an overall picture of your health condition.
  • Subsequently, a thorough chiropractic examination of the entire musculoskeletal system, including joint mobility in the spine, pelvis, and extremities, will be conducted.
  • If available, we will review any MRI or X-ray images you bring with you.

Expert Diagnosis and Treatment:

  • IHR-CHIROPRAKTOR will discuss potential causes of your complaints with you and provide advice on improving your posture in everyday life.
  • This is followed by your first chiropractic treatment with short, pain-free impulses to adjust the affected joint.

Individualized Treatment Plan:

  • An individualized treatment plan will be created based on your diagnosis and discussed with you at the second treatment appointment.
  • Initially, short consecutive appointments are important to release incorrect or protective postures and adjust blocked joints. Through adjustment, not only are blocked joints corrected, but surrounding structures are also relieved.

Initially, short, consecutive appointments are required to release improper or defensive postures and adjust restricted joints. The adjustments not only impact the joints, but also ease surrounding tissues like muscles, tendons and ligaments. Note that the regularity of appointments is crucial. Chiropractic adjustments are cumulative, much like a training program. Even if you are already feeling better, stick to your treatment regimen. Unlike physiotherapy or massages, the effectiveness of chiropractic care does not depend on the time spent but on precise, correctly executed adjustments. We look forward to accompanying you on the journey to your well-being!

After the Initial Treatments:

Reactions to the treatment:

Following therapy, the treated vertebrae and joints typically feel more free and mobile. Most of our patients experience immediate relief or a reduction in their pain and symptoms. On the other hand, brief adverse reactions like sensitivity, tension, stiffness in the muscles, or a slight headache might occur. Sometimes, symptoms may shift or intensify, especially in complex, long standing complaints. These reactions typically last 1-2 hours, potentially several days for chronic complaints. With follow-up treatments, reactions generally diminish. Why do these reactions occur? Chiropractic treatment releases restrictions, alters body posture, and affects the nervous system. Muscles loosen, joints become more mobile, and inflammation recedes. The motor and sensory nervous systems must adapt to these changes. Initial reactions are short-term and natural responses of the body to the new stimulus.

Movement (Mobility) and Posture:

Movement and good posture promote your body's regeneration. Before and after each chiropractic treatment, we recommend a 10-minute walk. From a biomechanical perspective, there is a natural difference between brisk walking and strolling, carrying a heavy handbag, or constantly looking at your phone. If you want to be as effective as possible, walk briskly without a handbag and phone. Pay attention to your posture – stable and upright. Regularly change your position when sitting, standing, or lying down. Our spine remains stable and flexible through regular movement. After treatment, avoid sudden movements, twists, and heavy pressure. In sports, initially focus on uniform movement. Good examples include walking on soft ground, Nordic walking, or training on the cross-trainer. Listen to your body, even in calm sports like Yoga or Pilates. Choose movements that you can perform upright, symmetrically, and in control. Avoid extreme twisting movements, as these can sometimes do more harm than help. Regardless of the sport you choose – movement is the best prevention for a pain-free life.

Stay Hydrated:

After treatment, it's important to drink enough water throughout the day. Adequate hydration not only supports overall health but also promotes the flexibility of muscles, ligaments, and tendons – a positive effect of chiropractic adjustment. Water plays a central role as it is essential for transporting nutrients, oxygenating cells, and eliminating waste products. Additionally, it is crucial for the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints and enables smooth movement. In order to maximize the therapeutic effect, stay well-hydrated.

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