We make no distinction between patients with statutory or private health insurance when it comes to making appointments or billing.
For the initial appointment, which includes a chiropractic treatment, we charge €95. Follow-up treatments are billed at €61 each.
We kindly request payment for the treatment in cash, by debit card, Visa, or MasterCard on the day of the treatment directly at our practice.
Chiropractic treatments are exempt from value-added tax (VAT) in accordance with §4 Abs. 14a UstG.
Unlike in various other European countries such as the UK, Denmark and Switzerland, chiropractic is not yet recognised as an independent medical profession in Germany. For this reason, graduated chiropractors are also licensed in accordance with the Heilpraktikergesetz (Heilpraktiker Act), as only alternative practitioners and doctors are permitted to use chiropractic treatment techniques in Germany. Accordingly, we charge according to the scale of fees for alternative practitioners (GebüH).
Statutory health insurance companies do not usually cover these costs. Only a few statutory health insurers, such as BKK24 or SECURVITA, are known to subsidies the treatment under certain conditions. As health insurance guidelines change over time, we recommend that you ask your health insurance provider.
Private health insurance companies, state aid organizations and supplementary insurance policies for alternative practitioners often reimburse all or part of the costs if alternative practitioner services are included in the insurance cover. It is best to take a look at your insurance contract or contact your insurer if you are unsure about the scope of your insurance benefits.
Taxable and statutory insured patients can usually declare the costs as medical expenses or "extraordinary burdens" in their tax return. We are not authorized to provide advice on this matter. Please consult your tax advisor for assistance.
For questions and uncertainties, please feel free to contact our reception team.