The difference between a chiropractor and a chiropractic practitioner

Ihr-Chiropraktor Ihr-Chiropraktor

What is the difference between a chiropractor and a chiropractic practitioner?

And what does an osteopath do differently? These questions encounter us almost daily.

To make it easier for you to decide who to entrust your care to, we would like to shed some light on the matter and explain the differences:

Chiropractic Practitioner

The most well-known term in Germany is that of the chiropractic practitioner. Chiropractic practitioners are naturopaths who have completed additional training in chiropractic. The quality and duration of the continuing or additional education are not protected in Germany and therefore vary. This can range from a few days or weeks to several months of further education. Since there are no guidelines, a participation certificate for professional further education at a teaching institution such as a naturopathic school is sufficient to be allowed to use chiropractic techniques. However, many naturopaths specializing in chiropractic require ongoing training.

We therefore recommend inquiring specifically about the respective training of the practitioner


In contrast to chiropractic practitioners, chiropractors have completed an intensive, at least four to six-year full-time study program in chiropractic, totaling over 5,000 hours at a chiropractic college recognized by the Council on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI). This also includes a mandatory internship year with additional practical experience. The education of chiropractors is comparable to a medical degree and meets both uniform international standards and the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO).

In addition to their specialization in chiropractic, chiropractors have extensive knowledge in general medicine, neurology, and radiology. They are qualified to read, interpret, and make informed diagnoses from radiological and MRI images.

In the field of diagnosis, chiropractors in Western countries - unlike in Germany - have the same status as medical doctors and dentists. Therefore, in these countries, a medical referral is not required.

Both chiropractic and osteopathy are not yet recognized as independent medical professions in Germany, which is why they are permitted under the Naturopathy Act.


Doctors with specialized training in "chirotherapy/manual medicine" may carry the additional designation of "chirotherapist." The professional title is legally protected, and the training duration is prescribed by the Continuing Education Regulations of the German Medical Association at 320 hours.


The difference between chiropractic and osteopathy is not easy to answer, as both professions have many similarities and overlaps. The most significant difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor lies in the fact that chiropractors primarily specialize in the treatment of the functionality of the spine and joints, while osteopaths involve other body and organ systems more extensively. Chiropractors use "adjustments" as the cornerstone of their treatment to alleviate complaints, restrictions, and misalignments through targeted impulses. Osteopaths mainly use flowing hand movements to release tension in specific parts of the body.

For questions or suggestions, contact us.
We are happy to be your contact for health.

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