
Ihr-Chiropraktor Ihr-Chiropraktor


During this special time, chiropractic treatment can make a valuable contribution to your well-being. Our approach in chiropractic fundamentally avoids medications, injections, and surgical interventions, which is particularly beneficial during pregnancy.

Here are some reasons why you should consider chiropractic treatment during your pregnancy:

Linderung von Rückenschmerzen

Relief of back pain:

The additional weight and altered statics and biomechanics often cause back pain. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce spinal strain and alleviate pain.

Verminderung von Gelenk­beschwerden

Reduction of joint discomfort:

Hormonal changes during pregnancy often lead to loosening of joints and ligaments in preparation for childbirth. However, this increases the risk of shifts or blockages, which IHR CHIROPRAKTOR counteracts.

Verbesserung der Becken­balance und Optimierung der Geburts­position

Optimization of pelvic balance and birthing position:

The alignment of the spine and pelvis can influence the birthing position. IHR CHIROPRAKTOR promotes optimal pelvic balance, thus improving your chances of a normal birth.

Linderung von Übelkeit

Relief of nausea:

Some pregnant women experience nausea. Chiropractic treatments can help stabilize the nervous system and reduce nausea.

Vorbereitung auf die Geburt

Preparation for childbirth:

Promoting mobility and flexibility during pregnancy can prepare you for the physical demands of childbirth.

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