Treatment method

Our approach is designed to provide targeted and gentle treatment to achieve optimal results and rapid relief for our patients.

Following this approach, we primarily use the Gonstead Technique, developed by Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead. This is based on precise adjustments to the spine. Our adapted version of the diversified technique is also used.

The HVLA technique (High Velocity Low Amplitude Technique) included is a method for joint adjustment using quick pulses with a short amplitude to treat efficiently and gently.

This means that the treatment is performed with a rapid pulse, minimal force, leverage and rotation. A rapid pulse is targeted within the anatomical range of motion of a joint to overcome and release the restriction in one or more planes of motion. With the help of this technique, you can, for example, stabilize an acutely painful neck in a neutral position to treat it painlessly. By avoiding rotation, no irritation or stress is transferred to the surrounding vessels, nerves and soft tissue.

Efe Gökpinar has taught both techniques during his teaching career, first at the beginning of his career at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark, and currently at the Health Campus in Braunschweig.

Our diagnosis includes various examinations:

1. Alignement and posture:

  • Analysis of the posture and alignment of individual vertebrae and joints within the spine.
  • Assess general spinal posture and alignment to identify possible postural imbalances and poor posture.

2. ROM (Range of Motion):

  • Assessment of the movement amplitude (movement quality) of a joint.
  • Consideration of general mobility between individual segments, vertebrae, and joints.

3. Functionality:

  • Assessments of optimal performance adapted to the needs of each patient.
  • The aim is to individually promote the desired and best possible functionality.
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