Children/ Kids

Ihr-Chiropraktor Ihr-Chiropraktor

Especially during your growth and development phase, posture problems or muscular imbalances can creep in. But don't worry, we at IHR CHIROPRAKTOR are here to help you balance these stresses and promote better posture.

Chiropractic care aims not only to treat existing problems but also to act preventively. Regular treatments can help keep your spine in good condition and minimize long-term posture problems.

Here are some challenges that children and adolescents face:

Schultaschen und Haltungsprobleme

School bags and posture problems:

Your backpack can be quite heavy and unevenly burden your spine. This can contribute to posture problems, especially in the shoulder and neck area.

Langes Sitzen in der Schule

Prolonged sitting in school:

Long periods of sitting during classes can lead to back problems and posture issues.

Handy- und Tablet-Nutzung

Mobile phone and tablet usage:

The constant use of mobile phones and tablets, especially with the head inclined downwards, has been shown to result in poor posture known as "text neck" or "tablet neck." This leads to neck and back pain. Long-term damage is unfortunately still unforeseeable.

Computerarbeit und Haltung

Computer work and posture:

Computer work is indispensable in schools nowadays. Incorrect screen height or seating position can cause posture problems. Unfortunately, school staff are not sufficiently trained to address these issues. IHR CHIROPRAKTOR provides advice on ergonomically designing your workspace and supports you in correcting posture problems.

Bildschirmzeit und Bewegungsmangel

Screen time and lack of movement:

Too much screen time can lead to a lack of physical activity. At IHR CHIROPRAKTOR, you not only receive help with posture problems but also receive tips on integrating more movement into your daily life.

Resulting symptoms include back pain, headaches, concentration, and sleep disorders. A balanced nervous system, supported by chiropractic care, helps improve overall health. Some parents also report improvements in their children's concentration and sleep after chiropractic treatments.

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