Our chiropractors

Ihr-Chiropraktor Ihr-Chiropraktor

At the center of our practice is the experience and expertise of our practice owner, Efe Gökpinar, who has over 25 years of practical experience as a chiropractor. At IHR CHIROPRAKTOR, we place great emphasis on a familial atmosphere. Our dedicated chiropractors have successfully completed their comprehensive chiropractic studies and are committed to applying proven techniques such as Diversified and Gonstead. Our primary goal is your well-being, and we look forward to welcoming you to our practice.

Efe Gökpinar

Efe Gökpinar

Mette Tølbøl Johannesen

Mette Johannesen

Finnegan Schröder

Finnegan Schröder

Jasmin Hochfeld

Jasmin Hochfeld

Efe Gökpinar

Chiropractor, Master of Science (MSc),
Diploma in medical research
President of the German Chiropractors Association (DCG)

Efe Gökpinar

I am thrilled to have found my dream profession. For over 25 years, I have practiced in my chosen home of Hamburg and run my own practice.

Those who know me understand that I am a chiropractor through and through. It is not enough for me to just alleviate the complaints and symptoms of my patients – my goal is to treat and eliminate the causes and triggers in the long term.

As a father of three, I am particularly dedicated to the treatment of expectant mothers and babies.

At the beginning of my career, alongside my role as a practicing chiropractor, I also worked as a lecturer at the University of Southern Denmark.

My love for educating the future generation remains strong, and I continue to teach at the Health Campus in Braunschweig to this day.

» my CV

Mette Johannesen

Chiropractor, Master of Science (MSc)

Mette Tølbøl Johannesen

My name is Mette, and like Efe, I am from Denmark.

Sport and exercise play a crucial role in my life. I've been doing gymnastics for 20 years and have a keen interest in acrobatics. So, you might catch me doing a handstand in the practice.

The experiences I gained at a young age deepened my understanding and interest in the human body and its movements. The path to chiropractic was solidified for me by the conviction that it is an effective method to relieve people of their pain, optimize their movement function, and enhance their quality of life.

I am particularly keen on providing my patients with comprehensive information as well as practical tips and tools. My goal is for my patients to learn to understand their own bodies and actively work with them.

» my CV

Finnegan Schröder

Master of Chiropractic

Finnegan Schröder

Hello, I'm Finnegan. I completed my training at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in England and am excited to be back in my hometown of Hamburg. In addition to my work as a chiropractor, I pursue two other passions: Jiu-Jitsu and surfing.

My motivation lies in holistically supporting people in doing what they love again. My strengths lie not only in the precise diagnosis and treatment of ailments, but also in a deep understanding of the importance of movement and quality of life.

I have particularly specialized in caring for athletes, and my goal is to help you maximize your performance and effectively prevent injuries..

If you too are looking for a holistic approach to your health, I look forward to supporting you on your journey.

» my CV

Jasmin Hochfeld

Animal Naturopath and Physiotherapist,
Animal Chiropractor

Jasmin Hochfeld

My name is Jasmin and I treat the animal patients at IHR CHIROPRAKTOR. I specialize in identifying musculoskeletal injuries and often see patients who have undergone a true odyssey of veterinary visits with their owners without a cause being identified. It is very important to me to help dogs, cats, small animals, and stable animals live a life with less pain and more enjoyment of movement. I am available in the practice every Wednesday from 1 p.m. and look forward to meeting you and your animal patients soon.

» my CV
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