
Ihr-Chiropraktor Ihr-Chiropraktor

Your baby's body is well prepared for the strong forces during a natural birth. However, restrictions of the vertebrae and joints may occur, which can have long-term effects on your child's development. IHR CHIROPRAKTOR quickly provides relief. Adjustments for infants are particularly gentle and only involve light impulses with the fingers.

The risk of vertebral or joint restrictions is increased in the following cases:

  • Time pressure or acceleration during the birthing process, exerting pressure on the mother's abdomen.
  • Use of instruments such as vacuum extraction or forceps.
  • A very large baby where the space in the womb is insufficient and the baby becomes "compressed."
  • Unnatural position of the baby (e.g., breech position, occiput posterior).
  • Incorrect positioning of the baby due to maternal pelvic misalignment.
  • Very long labor with increased force on the small body.
  • Emergency cesarean section.

These are reasons why you as a parent should consider chiropractic treatment:

Sanfte Justierung

Gentle Adjustment:

IHR CHIROPRAKTOR specializes in treating babies and employs extremely gentle techniques. The adjustment is often done with the fingers and is particularly gentle.



The birthing process is challenging for babies and can lead to muscular and skeletal tensions. Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve these tensions and support the well-being of the newborn baby.

Kolik und Verdauungsprobleme

Colic and Digestive Problems

Chiropractic care has been proven to be very effective in treating infants with colic and digestive problems. By aligning the spine, nerve impulses can be transmitted more efficiently, positively influencing the function of the digestive system.

Entwicklung des Nervensystem

Development of the Nervous System

Chiropractic aims to optimize the function of the nervous system. During the first few months of life, a baby's nervous system develops rapidly, and correct alignment of the spine can support this development.

Kopf- und Haltungsprobleme

Head and Postural Problems

Babies may develop certain postural problems or an asymmetric head shape. Chiropractic treatments help improve balance in the body and correct these issues. 

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our gentle treatment methods, we are happy to assist. For the healthy development of your baby.

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